On gender stars
I have to confess that I still find it challenging to read German texts with "gender stars". I know the reasoning, but I still don't have efficient reading fluency when reading a text with heavy gender stars.
A gender star (German: Gendersternchen) is a nonstandard typographic style used by some authors in a gender-neutral language in German. It is formed by placing an asterisk after the stem and appending the feminine plural suffix "-innen". It is also possible to use instead of a "*", the character ":" or "_".
For example, we received today a text from Ella's elementary school on the update of the Coronavirus quarantine regulation for students.
In German, an except of the text looks like this:
"Wenn ein*e einzelne*r Schüler*in in der Klasse/Kurs ein positives Testergebnis erhält (IP), müssen diese*r Schüler*in sowie die unmittelbaren Sitznachbar*innen isoliert werden. Unmittelbare Sitznachbar*innen sind die*der rechte und linke sowie die*der vordere und hintere Sitznachbar*in, bei Gruppentischen alle dort sitzenden Schüler*innen. Dies gilt auch für Sitznachbar*innen, die im Fachunterricht neben der IP saßen."
In English, the text will translate like this:
"If a single student in the class/course receives a positive test result (IP), this student and the immediate seat neighbours must be isolated. Immediate seat neighbours are the right and left and the front and back seat neighbours, at group tables all students sitting there. This also applies to seat neighbours who sat next to the IP in the subject class."
Maybe this is why most of my posts nowadays are in the English language? What do you think about gender starts? Do you also find it challenging to read?