On striking a balance

The importance of realistic goals and compromise in achieving progress
Most individuals possess a sense of what constitutes an unrealistic goal. When dealing with matters of the world, it is crucial to strike a balance between focusing on a goal and knowing when to let go of it. Buddha pointed out that over-turning one's instrument can lead to broken strings.
While momentum is always needed, it is essential to be cautious and not overreach or overplay one's hand, as this may lead to loss.
Unrealistic goals, such as those pursued by the climate movement, notably the Letzte Generation and the proposed oil and gas heating ban, are not helpful in accelerating progress or reducing conflict. Constant opposition without a willingness to compromise breeds only disillusionment and frustration.
The recent referendum in Berlin failed to achieve its noble aspirations as it relied on unsuitable means. Its objective was as unattainable as attempting to legislate world peace. While goals may seem reasonable in isolation, representative democracy is better equipped to balance competing interests and goals while ensuring a workable budget every year. A parliamentary system endeavours to prevent minorities from imposing their specific interests.
There is also a notable difference in perspective between the inner city and the outer districts. The urban centre is at risk of becoming increasingly fractured on various issues.